蓝海Family | Shawn He(何曙阳)博士加入克睿基因担任细胞治疗首席科学官


June 18, 2024

近日,蓝海资本旗下基金投资的克睿基因宣布Shawn He(何曙阳)博士于2023年8月1日正式加入公司,担任细胞治疗首席科学官一职。Shawn将全面负责克睿基因的细胞治疗研发,领导团队进一步加快细胞治疗管线的进程。

Cure Genetics, one of BOCG's portfolio companies, is delighted to announce that Dr. Shawn He will officially take up his post as the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) in cell therapy on August 1, 2023. Shawn will guide the navigation of Cure Genetics' cell therapy development, leading the team to break new ground and accelerate the progress of cell therapy pipelines.

Shawn拥有超过20年的细胞治疗领域研发以及全球领先生物技术公司研发团队管理经验。在加入克睿基因之前,Shawn曾担任Celularity的早期研发执行副总裁。在Celularity 期间,他领导开发了一系列创新型异体CAR-T和CAR-NK细胞疗法,成功将两种不同的细胞疗法产品推进至临床阶段。在此之前,Shawn还在Celgene Cellular Therapeutics担任了多个研发管理岗位,并成功推进了Celgene的三个细胞治疗产品进入临床研究阶段,覆盖了八个不同的治疗领域。Shawn拥有马里兰大学帕克分校获的博士学位。

Dr. Shawn has over two decades of experience in cell therapy research and development, as well as managing R&D teams at leading global biotechnology companies. Before joining Cure Genetics, Shawn served as Executive Vice President of Research and Early Development at Celularity, where he developed a pipeline of novel allogeneic CAR-T and CAR-NK cell therapies, and guided R&D efforts for two different cell therapy products to clinical-stage development. Earlier, Shawn held various positions of increasing scope and responsibility at Celgene Cellular Therapeutics, and his team advanced three cell therapy product candidates into IND-enabling studies with all of them reaching the clinic for eight different indications. Shawn received his PhD from University of Maryland at College Park.

Shawn 表示:“我非常期待能加入克睿,克睿基因的创新平台技术,独特的管线以及国际化布局在全球同行中均展示出卓越的竞争优势。我相信,克睿在细胞和基因治疗方向所做的前沿性探索将会帮助我们找到针对尚未满足需求的肿瘤和遗传疾病的创新治疗方法。我期待与克睿团队一起为开发新的治疗方法做出贡献。”

"I look forward to working with the team at Cure Genetics," said Dr. Shawn He. “ Cure Genetics' innovative platform technology, differentiated pipeline, and global strategy all hold significant competitive advantages on a global scale. I firmly believe that Cure's pioneering work in the field of cell and gene therapy will help us discover innovative treatments for cancers and genetic diseases with unmet needs. I look forward to contributing to the development of new treatments alongside the Cure Genetics team."


"On behalf of Cure Genetics, I am delighted to welcome Dr. Shawn He to our team," said the Chairman of Cure Genetics. "Shawn is an outstanding scientist and leader in the field of cell therapy. His extensive experience and spirit of innovation will greatly enhance our innovative capabilities and his forward-thinking international perspective will bring a significant positive impact on our research and development efforts and product pipeline global strategy."